

    -api string	null	The endpoint that Bminer serves its REST API. For example, The REST API is disabled if it is unspecified.
    -devices value	null	List of GPU devices that Bminer should run on. If it is unspecified bminer runs on all CUDA devices available on the system.
    -failover value	immediateNext	Fail-over strategy between multiple pools. Bminer can retry the connection, failover to the next pool or a pool that is
    randomly chosen in the lists of available pools. Supported strategies are sameHost, immediateNext and random.
    -gpucheck uint	90	The interval in seconds that Bminer polls whether the CUDA devices have hung. Set to 0 to disable the checks.
    -logfile string	null	Append the logs to the file.
    -max-network-failures	-1	Number of consecutive attempts that Bminer tries to recover from network failures. Set to -1 to keep on recovering.
    -max-temperature int	85	Hard limits of the temperature of the GPUs. BMiner slows down itself when the temperautres of the devices exceed the limits.
    -no-runtime-info		Disable runtime information collection for Bminer.
    -no-timestamps		Remove timestamp in your logging messages.
    -nofee		Disable the devfee but it also disables some optimizations.
    -pers	BgoldPoW	Personalization string for Equihash 144,5 based coins. Can be set to auto.
    -share-check	900	The interval of seconds that Bminer polls to ensure there are accepted shares. Set to 0 to disable the checks.
    -strict-secure		Verify the certificates of servers when connecting to a SSL-enabled Stratum server. The default is off.
    -uri value		List of comma-separated URIs that bminer should mine towards. URI has a format of < scheme>://< username>[:< password>]@< host>:< port>.
    Note that the < scheme> for all the URIs have to be the same.
    -uri2 value		List of comma-separated URIs that bminer should mine towards secondarily. It has the format of
    < scheme>://< username>[:< password>]@< host>:< port>.
    Currently Bminer supports scheme blake14r:// or blake2s:// as secondary for Ethash mining as primary.
    -dual-subsolver int	-1	The sub-solver for dual mining. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3.
    Default is -1, which is to tune automatically.
    -dual-intensity int	0	The intensity of the secondary mining.
    Valid values are from 0 to 300. Default is 0, which is to tune automatically.
    -intensity	6	The CPU intensity of mining AE / Grin. Valid values are from 0 to 12.
    -watchdog	true	Automatic restart to recover from hung GPUs. Bminer exits itself in case of errors
    if watchdog is disabled.
    -version		Output version and exit.